James Cook University
James Cook University is a teaching and research institution with main campuses located in the tropical cities of Cairns, Singapore and Townsville. The University's main fields of research include marine sciences, biodiversity, sustainable management of tropical ecosystems, genetics and genomics, tropical health care, tourism and engineering.
JCU Singapore was established in 2003 as part James Cook University's expressed intent of internationalising its activities. JCU Singapore campus offers a suite of university level programs including Business, IT, Psychology and Education.
Raffles Design Institute (Singapore)
Raffles Design Institute (Singapore) is an educational institution in Singapore, established in 1990, dedicated to the professional design disciplines of fashion design, interior design, interactive media (multimedia design, animation and game design), 3D (product design, jewellery design and transportation design), and visual communication (graphic design).
ORO Editions
ORO Editions is an internationally recognized, award-winning publishing firm specializing in the design, production, marketing and distribution of bespoke architecture, design, photography and art-related books. ORO's team of design professionals works closely with clients to create works of timeless beauty and lasting value.
Kuala Lumpur Metro Group
Kuala Lumpur Metro Group has distinguished itself as a trusted and reputable developer with its high end and quality resort homes. Through leveraging on its expertise, it seeks to provide high-end residential, commercial and retail offerings that reflect its commitment to quality, luxury as well as to the Group's green philosophy on sustainable development, energy conservation and preservation of natural habitat.
Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC)
Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) advocates green building design, practices and technologies. As the only non-profit organization with a concerted private-public sector partnership in Singapore, the SGBC drives environmental sustainability in the building and construction industry to achieve a world-class and sustainable built-environment in Singapore.
Universita Iuav di Venezia
Universita Iuav di Venezia is one of the first Architecture Schools in Italy and is solely focused on design. It is a dedicated place for teaching, specailisation and field research in design of living space and environments such as buildings, cities, landscapes, regions as well as design of every-day objects, cultural, theatrical, multimedia events, fashion and graphics.